Tourist Traffic at Fairs and Festival Centres in Tamil Nadu

  • G Anitha Assistant professor, Department of Hotel Management and Catering Science, Madurai Kamaraj University College, Madurai
Keywords: Tourism, Festivals, Fairs, Tourist Traffic, Celebration, Economic


India’s 5000 years of history has retained ample heritage and culture which is worth exhibiting. Culture and tradition of any region or society are exhibited through the festivals being celebrated by the various religious and ethnic communities. That are many Foreign and domestic tourist throng the centre where the fairs and festivals are conducted. Tourist traffic constitutes an integral part of fairs and festival tourism. Visit of tourist both domestic and foreign – generate income to both the state and the central Government of India. Besides generating foreign exchange earnings, the tourist traffic will pave way for employment and earnings for the local people. The research has confined the area of research to 14 districts of Tamil Nadu where many fairs and festivals are celebrated. The research has traced the historical perspective of tourism with special reference to the various fairs and festivals. The researcher has limited the research regarding the fairs and festivals in the 14 districts only as those are the districts where in fairs & festivals are conducted.

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