Contribution of Eminent Women for the Welfare of Women

  • K Rajeswari Ph.D .Research Scholar, Department of Historical Studies & Tourism, Mother Terasa University, Kodaikanal
Keywords: Women, Quit India, feminist, Union movement, social evils, Security


Dr.Annie Besant, Margret E.Cousins, Jinarajadasa who were responsible for the formation of feminist movement. They were born in western countries. They dedicated their lives to women’s movements with a full belief in the power of womenhood. At that time, the Indian women appeared completely submerged. For the cause of Indian women, Sarojini Naidu, Muthulakshmi Reddy, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya and others come forward with the name juniors. Annie wood popularly known as Annie Besant was born in London, in the year of 1847. After her arrival in India in 1893, she associated herself with Education, politics, religion and theosophy. For offering life to her political thought, the weekly newspaper commonweal was started by her in January 1914. She started Home Rule League. In May 1917 she started women’s Indian Association. An important step in Indian public life came up due to the appointment of M.E.Cousins as Honorary special Magistrate on the saidapet Bench. She was aware of the nature of Indian women and freedom and it in turn enabled her to work as an efficient Magistrate. She expressed her thoughts that those who desire to serve India and who have seen what may be the fullness of women’s lives in other civilizations both East and West in Burma, Japan, America and Europe, no movement connected with the freedom of India seems more fundamentally necessary than the freedom for women movement. Sarojini Naidu the Nightingale of India. Gradually, she grew into a renowned poetess, orator, social reformer and patriot. Among her varied roles, the contribution made by her to the women’s movement for equality of rights with men is remarkable. Kamaladevi Chattopadhayay was a great reformer in Indian politics. She was one of the founder members of AIWC in 1926. During the Quit India Movement of 1942, she was arrested and imprisoned. In the History of women’s movement in Tamilnadu, many personalities rendered their valuable social service for the liberation of women from various social evils. S.Muthulakshmi Reddy was one of the outstanding personalities in the sphere of social reform movement.

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