A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour and Satisfaction Towards Indian Automobile Industry

  • R Menaka Assistant professor, Dept.of Management Studies (DDE), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • K Ashath Research Scholar, Departmentof Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: Luxury Things, Customer Satisfaction Survey, Indian Market, oad Blocks and Challenges and Best Services


The Automobile industry in India is expanding at large extent. With the increasing ratio per capita income of the people results in tending towards purchasing the Luxury things like cars, Diamonds, etc. Now the time has come to serve the customers at any level and point as per his/her desire. The companies are finding many ways to satisfy their customers and one of the methods to find the customer satisfaction quotient is “Customer Satisfaction Survey”. Customer satisfaction is a measure of post purchase behaviour of the customers. If customer expectations meet with the perceived value of goods and service then customer is satisfied but if the perceived value of goods and service is less than the customer expectations than customer is dissatisfied and if the perceived value exceeded the expected value of the goods and service than the customer is delighted. In addition, customers generally want the best possible product or service for a low cost. The perception of the best product or service at lowest price with safety effect the industry and customer segment significantly. Indian market before independence was seen as a market for imported vehicles while assembling of cars manufactured by General Motors and other brands was the order of the day. Indian automobile industry mainly focused on servicing, dealership, financing and maintenance of vehicles. After a decade, from independence manufacturing of automobiles has started. India’s Transportation requirements were met by Indian Railways playing an important role till the 1950’s. Since independence the Indian automobile industry faced several challenges and road blocks like manufacturing capability was restricted by the rule of license and could not be increased but still it lead to growth and success it has achieved today.

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