Communal Harmony – The Need of the Hour
In our country the need of the hour is communal harmony. We all are assembled here to discuss the ways and means to achieve communal harmony. India, the beloved mother country of ours is great land of culture, civilization and of cherished history. Once it was a cradle of great civilizations. it has bad a rich history of 5000 years old only a few other civilizations in the world can state claim of equality with this. Geographically speaking, it is a great wonder. It has the great Himalayan Mountains, great gangetic valley lush green fields, scorching deserts, densely-vegetated, forests, perennial rivers, silver sand beaches, longest coastal areas rich fauna and flora etc. It is the world’s largest democracy and the 7th largest country in the world. It is the most populous state next to china. Once our mother land was described as the land of snakes, snake charmers, temples, forests and maharajas. But reality was entirely different from the above description.

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