Socio – Economic impact of Tourism

  • V Indiradevi Assistant Professor in History, Fatima College, Madurai
Keywords: Tourism, social interaction, Western Culture, Self Image, Modernization, National Income


Tourism has become a thriving global industry and it has become the fourth largest industry in the global economy. Development of tourism is no doubt a major concern of many developing countries today including ours. Tourism in India has become one of the major sectors of the economy, contributing to a large proportion of the National income and generating huge employment opportunities. It has become the fastest growing service industry with great potentials for its further expansion and its diversification.

India is a country known for its lavish treatment to all visitors, no matter where they come from. Its visitor- friendly traditions, varied lifestyles and cultural heritage and colourful fairs and festivals held abiding attractions for the tourists. It is natural for people belonging to different cultures, life styles, or social settings to interact and leave an impact on each other. In tourism this happens at a massive level. Its growth has no doubt produced many impacts. Such impacts are highlighted in this paper.

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