Conflict between Inner Freedom and Socially Constructed of Female Destiny in Toni Morrison’s Chosen Novels

  • V R Vidya kumary Ph.D Research Scholar (Part-Time), Department of English, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K Mohan Research Supervisor, Associate Professor & Head, Department of English, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Inner Freedom, Socially Destiny, Indian culture, Western culture, Toni Morrison


The concept of ‘self’ is closely related to the idea of identity. Self is just what makes us who we are. In the modern context, emergence of self refers to freeing it from hierarchy and dependence. The self becomes responsible for itself, for maintaining its own image, which happens through social interactions. According to the psychologist, William James, self is essentially a social structure and it arises in social experiences.  ‘Selfhood’ is formed from experiences. It changes not only over a period, but also emerges as what we experience as the ‘self’ in a particular period. Human beings have the unique quality of reflecting upon and evaluating their thoughts, feelings and actions. By understanding oneself, one can hope to achieve greater happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, liberation and also foster better relations with people around. Selfhood is important to us, both as individuals and as social creatures, as it shapes our personal existence and our relations with those whom we bond.

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