Dowry Problem in Tamilnad (1947- 1961)

  • N Neela Associate Prof. (History) , Sri Meenakshi Govt. Arts College for Women (A) , Madurai
  • N Nagalatha M.Phil (FT) Scholar in History, Sri Meenakshi Govt. Arts College for Women (A), Madurai
Keywords: Dowry, population, Society, amendments, assembly, government


Dowry is a real problem in the present day Tamil Society. It has been taken the shape of a commercial transaction. A large number of persons with or without meager means were unable to marry their daughters and even after that the women after marriage are subjected to torture and also to death. The women organizations and the women members of the legislative assembly persuaded the government to put a check on this problem through legislation. At the roots of the goal of ailment enacted Dowry Prohibition Act and the amendments to this Act to make stringent provisions to check this evil. The state government is empowered to frame rules to implement the provisions of this Act.

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