Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), A Distress of Female Reproductive Health

  • Anuja Bhalerao Department of Zoology, Ahmednagar College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
  • Ivan Aranha Department of Zoology, Ahmednagar College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Keywords: Amenorrhea, Anovulation, Endocrine disorder, Epigenetic, Hyperandrogenism, Polycystic ovary syndrome


Women of reproductive age are suffering from severe hormonal imbalance due to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).Clinical manifestations of PCOS are diverse including hyperandrogenism, anovulation, infertility and increased risk of metabolic diseases besides psychosocial dysfunction.Additionally, PCOS leads to various other disturbances such as glucose tolerance, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia, obesity and metabolic disturbances. Environmental pollutants and Xenobiotic compounds cause changes in gut microbiota, which further affects metabolism causing metabolic disturbances may lead to PCOS.Various metabolic anomalies resulting from interaction with xenobiotic compounds and environmental pollutants contribute for hormonal imbalance. It is an interlinked vicious circle affected by epigenetic and environmental parameters.Epigenetic approach and molecular analysis of genes involved in PCOS is essential for specific treatment.Biochemical markers like assessment of hormones(hyperandrogenism)and ultrasound (in patients above twenty years of age)used as diagnostic parameters for detection of PCOS. Adaptinga healthy lifestyle and minimal exposure to xenobiotic compounds and resetting the disturbed sleep cycle will benefit the patient. Study of molecular markers will help in treating the PCOS in a better manner. This review focuses on important parameters of pathophysiology, which will help in understanding andcreating awarenesson PCOS.

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