A Youtube Showing that it is not Cool nor Healthy to Smoke - An Online Typeform Survey Analysis
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention cite a WHO report, on the Global Tobacco Epidemic [2019] stating it causes more than 7 million deaths globally/year.
A YouTube was created based upon the Audrey Hepburn Breakfast at Tiffany’s theme. Paramount Pictures Aust/NZ were contacted asking permission to utilise the theme, but didn’t reply.
The TouTube has Audrey smoking, while another woman makes comments to convey the health dangers & smoking unacceptability. A Typeform online survey created in August 2021 allowed accessibility to the general public enabling generation of an online convenience survey. Questions focused on the participant’s opinion regarding the idea’s general usefulness, whether the messages about unacceptability and potential harm were conveyed and lastly whether the viewer thought it had potential to change smoking habits.
The survey was viewed 127 times, 60 people commenced the survey, and 27 completed it [completion rate; 45%, average time; 5 minutes]. Opinions on the YouTube general usefulness were; extremely [7.7%], very [42.3%], somewhat [26.9%], neutral/unsure [19.2%] or no [3.8%]. In terms of conveying that smoking is foul or disgusting replies were; extremely [32%], very much [40%], somewhat [20%], neutral/unsure [8%] or not at all [0%]. In terms of conveying harmfulness replies were; extremely [30.8%], very much [30.8%], somewhat [38.5%], neutral/unsure [0%] or not at all [0%]. In terms of the potential to change habits replies were; extremely [7.4%], very much [22.2%], somewhat [25.9%], neutral/unsure [29.6%] or not at all [14.8%].
This novel YouTube seems to be a plausible, useful idea if you consider the replies of survey respondents. Typeform is also an easy, online package with which to generate survey forms.
Ideas such as this maybe interesting, but in terms of assessing ability to alter habits, that determination would require additional research, funding and thought and maybe indeterminable.
Copyright (c) 2022 Deborah J Hilton

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.