Perception of Married Women on Family Life Satisfaction in Nallagoundanpatty Village Panchayat of Omalur Taluk in Salem District of Tamil Nadu

  • C. Gobalakrishnan Associate Professor and Head i/c, Department of Sociology, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K. Nivetha Post Graduate Student, Department of Sociology, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Family, Married Women, Percetion, Family Life Satisfaction


Family is the one of the prime as well as important institutions of the society. When two or more generation lives together through the institution of marriage then such living together is called as family. When family consists of two generations then it is called as nuclear family and when more than two generations lives together then it is called as joint family. The style of living together always depends on mutual love and affection between the couples as well as others in the family and such type of family environment brings family life satisfaction among the member of the concerned family. Such healthy family environment helps the concerned family to progress and shine well in the society. The present study has been conducted in Nallagoundanpatti Village Panchayat in Omalur Taluk of Salem District in order to know the family life satisfaction among the married women and in order to get the responses from the respondents, 30 married women have been selected with the help of purposive sampling and their responses were recorded in the semi structured interview schedule. The interview schedule consist personal information of the respondents and their responses over the family life satisfaction and the family life satisfaction have been measured with seven statements and these seven statements have been measured with four point scale. Simple frequency table and percentile score have been used for data analysis.the results of the present study indicate that families in the rural setting also have some issues and misunderstandings and these could be rectified through appropriate measures.

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