Fostering Support and Empowering Learners in Inclusive Education

  • J. Rubina Assistant Professor of Psychology, Stella Matutina College of Education (Autonomous), Chennai
Keywords: All-Inclusive Learning, Guidance, Counseling, Support, Empowerment, Learners, Holistic Development


The crucial component of guidance and counselling in the framework of inclusive education, placing a strong emphasis on nurturing support and empowerment for learners. The primary goal of inclusive education is to accommodate the diverse needs of all students, irrespective of their varying abilities and backgrounds. Guidance and counseling assume a pivotal role in establishing an inclusive environment through the provision of tailored support, addressing individual challenges, and cultivating a sense of empowerment among learners. The various strategies and practices employed in guidance and counseling to ensure inclusivity, with a dedicated focus on fostering the holistic development of students. A system of education that is inclusive must prioritise participation and guidance. Effective implementation of inclusive education, ensuring fair access, participation, and success for all learners, involves offering advice and assistance to teachers, individualised student support, encouraging community and family involvement, and promoting inclusive policies

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