Study on Organisational Climate towards Indian Terrain Fashions Limited, Chennai

  • Roobesh Rehopson Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Bishop Heber College, Trichy
Keywords: Organizational Climate, Psychological, Perception of Employees


Feelings are an integral part of the human experience, influencing how we perceive and interact with the world around us. Organizational climate is a feeling refers to the collective emotional atmosphere or mood that permeates an organization. This article aims to understand the attitude of employees towards the prevailing organizational climate in organization. The first challenge is measuring the organizational climate accurately as it is intangible in nature and the complex interplay of various factors. The next challenge is hesitance of Employees to provide honest feedback in organizational climate surveys due to fear, desire to present themselves or their team in a favorable light. This study also focuses on Love towards Job, Conflict Management and Enjoying being part of the company.

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