An Examination of Identity Crisis in Ruskin Bond’s The Blue Umbrella

  • P Selva Gnana Mathy M.Phil Scholar, Department of English, St, Johns College, Palayamkottai Affiliated to Manomaniam Sundarnar University Abishekpatti, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India
Keywords: Identity Crisis, Struggles, Character Development, Self-Discovery, Psychological Analysis


This paper deals with the theme of Identity crisis in Ruskin bond’s “The Blue umbrella”. While reading close to the text and analysing the character development, the paper tries to explain about how the little girl, Binya struggles with questions of self-identity. She struggles with the questions of belonging and societal expectations. By examining the key moments in the story, such as Binya’s accession of the blue umbrella and her interactions with other characters, the paper examines the internal dispute and external influences which mould Binya’s sense of self. Also this paper examines the identity formations and the human experience of navigating through periods of uncertainty and self-discovery.

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