Hallucinatory Pragmatism in WebMage by Kelly McCullough

  • U Abinaya B.A., (B.Ed)., Sakthi Institute of Teacher Education and Research
  • M Swapna B.A., (B.Ed)., Sakthi Institute of Teacher Education and Research
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Technomancy, Blended Tradition


Science fiction and Fantasy being the fusion of rented and subtle elements of other genres stays conservative beyond any doubt. As a part of conventional literature, it provides its readers with easily fulfilled expectations. Hallucinatory realism is a fusion of dream and reality. The author has brought many magical elements. Though it looks like an ordinary novel, it is about the magical powers of the family. Through the theme of technomancy Kelly has blended tradition and technology in WebMage Series. It is expressed through the hallucinatory realism of Ravrin, the Greek hero who is in the disguise of student in the Harvard University. Though the character in the story was an ordinary human being with the powers of magic and webgoblin was a machine with the artificial intelligence, the situation they are placed is with the magical element.

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