Cultural Background in Meena Alexander’s Nampally Road

  • P Amuthapriya Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of English, Sakthi College of Arts and Science for Women, Oddanchatram
  • N Anusiya PG Student, Research Department of English Sakthi College of Arts and Science for Women, Oddanchatram
Keywords: Immigration, Self-Identity, Migration, Culture Identity, Political Terrorism


In the present age, the world seems to be given very little place to women in terms of freedom and security. The second most populous India is the seventh biggest homey in the world which has matured frequent socio-political dilemma of its individual. Meena Alexander’s Nampally Road focuses on feminism and topics as disparate as political terrorism and cultural preservation. It is a multi-locational work of fiction that explores the identity of the protagonist. Mira while also discussing the challenges she faces as an immigrant. Although the story of this novel takes place in India; Indian culture is seen through the lens of western culture. Mira bid to transfer her observation from western literature to the legislative space. Her ideas represent a fusion of Indian and American culture. But this peace and tranquility of modern India is quickly overshadowed by the reputation of new urbanity and depraved governments. The destination of this commodity is to evaluate the issues related to the clash between women and culture.

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