Exploration of Anticancer Activity of Portieria Hornemanni Against Lung Cancer Cellline (A549)

  • RM Abirami Department of Biomedical Sciences, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Portieria Horemanni, Lung Cancer, Cell Line


Cancer remains a major global health issue for which there are now no entirely viable treatments. As a result, natural product-based alternative therapies have been suggested. Studies have demonstrated the biological activity of seaweed, particularly its anticancer properties. The review’s main subject is lung cancer. It also lists some substances that have been taken out of a variety of seaweeds and demonstrated to either completely prevent cancer or significantly delay its spread. The main objectives of the study are to find the cytotoxicity effect of Porteria hornimanni in human lung cancer cell line A549 adopting MTT assay and utilizing fluorescent labelling techniques to detect morphological changes in the cells following P. hornimanni therapy.
The present study indicates that P. hornemanni’s ethanolic extract exhibits anti-cancer properties in the lung cancer cell line A549.This study shows how cancer cells can employ their anticancer properties. Additional research is necessary to identify the specific chemical in P. hornemanni that has cytotoxic effects on cancer. 

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