Contribution of Paulo Freire: An Enduring, Eclectic Educator

  • Jeyaseelan Pangiraj Research Scholar, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • M Gabriel Professor & Head, Department of Philosophy, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: pedagogy, critical education, learning and development, paradigm for teaching


Education has gone through a sea change. In this ear of digital social learning, companionship in learning, teacher - learner and learner - teacher relationship has been redefined. Paulo Freire an eminent educator has propounded a radical revamping in pedagogy and outcome of learning. He has challenged everything traditional and domesticating. As a proponent of critical education, he has exemplified a system of learning for personal and social transformation. This article explores the possibility for transformation by learning with the learners, habits of mutuality, reciprocity, respect, value creation, revolutionizing their thoughts for personal development. He demanes for a life of curiosity, love and hope. His call to be witnesses of transformation through critical consciousness has to be listened and internationized if rooting out the social evils perpetuated by the cirtified graduates should be our priority and responsibility.

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