Menstrual Hygiene: Exploring an Emerging Dimension of Women Empowerment

  • Jyotsana . Assistant Professor, Guru Kashi University Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab
Keywords: Menstruation, Menstrual Hygiene, Education, Women Empowerment


Millions of women across the globe experience ache, uneasiness, anxiety, and isolation every month during their menstrual periods. Girls in poor countries often use proxy material such as mud, leaves, or animal skins as sanitary products when menstruating as they have limited access to sanitary products. There is usually no adequate or sustainable infrastructure for waste disposal, washing, safe, private, and accessible toilets, and soap and water for washing clothes. Many adolescent girls miss school during their periods and educational opportunities for adolescent girls in rural areas where resources are scarce are lost because of social norms. Education is one of the primary condition for women empowerment and it enables the individuals to respond to the challenges in their lives. This study explores the linkages between women empowerment & utilization of hygienic methods during menstruation.

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