Sculptural Art under the Nāyakas

  • R Eswari Ph.D. Scholar, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Nāyakas, Sculptre, iconography, dialogue, rūpa/uruvam, Jyotisvarūpa, nṛtya or tāṇḍava, Āṉaimalai, Tirumōkūr, Māliruñcōlai


At the outward expression of an image, the inner meaning of the divinity could not be determined. The image of God/dess may outwardly denote, he/she is Śiva, Viṣṇu, Śakti or Devī, Gaṇapati or Subrahmaṇya but all ultimately denotes the Cosmic Being, Brahman or Puruṣaor Puruṣikā.This is the core thought, which we have strived to establish through architecture, iconography and religious dialogue.the major religions of the pan-Indian tradition such as Śivaism, Viṣṇuism, Śāktam, Gāṇapatya and Kaumāra found chance for a dialogue leading to unity of thought through religion, art and culture.

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