A Comparative Study of Selected Physical Fitness between Tribal and Non-Tribal High School Boy Students in Kodagu District

  • Raghavendra M Research Scholar, Department of Studies in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore
  • Channappa C Faulty, Department of Studies in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore
  • S Madialagan Faulty, Department of Studies in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore
Keywords: Tribal, Non-tribal, Physical Fitness, Flexibility, Explosive Strength


To reach the goal of this investigation was to find out whether there was a significant difference of selected physical fitness ability between the high school boy students of tribal (TB) and Non-tribal (Non-TB) in kodagu district. Total ninety-six (n=96) samples has chosen through the technique of purposive sampling for the tribal students (n=48) and simple random technique for the students of non-tribal (n=48), the aged between 13 – 15 years in 2023-24th academic years. With the literature support, this study was taken point out their physical fitness components such as Leg-explosive Strength (ST) and Flexibility for investigation. The Standing broad jump (SBJ) and sit & reach (S & R) flexibility test was exercised to assess the variables. After collection of the data with systematic manner, the ANOVA technique was exercised which was considered appropriate to identify the significant variations of selected variables between the sample of TB and Non-TB. The significant level was fixed at 0.05 %. The results was indicated that selected tribal secondary school students had more mean score of explosive ST than the students of non-tribal (f=4.05;p=0.05<). In the meanwhile, the ability of flexibility was higher in students of non- tribal than the tribal which is shows the statistical similarities. In other words, there was no significant difference at 0.05% between these kinds of students in this study. The present investigation suggested and recommended that if tribal students get opportunities in strength based sports events, they can give excellent performance than non-tribal students.

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