Determinants of Customer’s Perception Towards Sustainable Food Products in Bengaluru District

  • Ananda DR Assistant Professor – Senior Scale, Department of Commerce, Sri Mahadeshwara Government First Grade College, Kollegal, Chamarajanagara District, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Sustainable, Food, Products, Perception, Customer, Bengaluru


Sustainable food proponents assert that foods cultivated organically are safer and more nutrient-dense than foods raised using non organic techniques, such as the use of pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics, and hormones. Because food choices, preferences, and eating habits are such an integral part of people’s lifestyles and sociocultural environments, they are renowned for being difficult to modify.
The primary goal of the research is to investigate the variables affecting consumers’ perceptions of and purchasing habits for sustainable food items in the Bengaluru district. Cluster sampling was used in this way. The district of Bengaluru was selected as the main study region. Four clusters were identified for this region: north, south, east, and west. The study population consisted of 242 individuals who regularly consume sustainable food products. The information was gathered by sending out organized questionnaires. A statistical tool that was employed was regression analysis. It has been discovered that a variety of personal factors, including eating habits, lifestyle choices, a preference for locally produced food, the desire for nutrient-dense food, and symbols of social status, can be used to predict the purchasing patterns of consumers in Bengaluru district when it comes to sustainable food products. Comparably, Commercial variables like the cost of sustainable food products, their accessibility, their quality, the company’s ethical standards, and their packaging were utilized to forecast consumer purchasing patterns for sustainable food products in the Bengaluru district.

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