Relationship of Emotional Intelligence to Selected Physical Fitness Ability of State Level Male Netball Players

  • S Krishnaswamy Research scholar, Department of Physical Education, HITS, Padur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
  • D Shivashankar Research scholar, Department of Physical Education, HITS, Padur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Keywords: Physical Fitness, Emotional Intelligence, Netball


To achieve the purpose of the study was finding out the relationship of Emotional Intelligence to the selected physical fitness ability of state level male Netball players. The samples were selected (N=80) with convenience sampling method from state level tournament which was held at Mysore in year of 2022 and the sampling age ranging between 18 to 28 years. The subjects were measured for psychological variables and selected physical fitness components such as agility (4x10M Shuttle Running test) and speed (40yards Sprint test) ability and Emotional Intelligence (Anukool hyde) with standardised tool which was standardised by test and retest method. The data was collected in numerical from and statistically analyzed through product moment correlation statistical analysis of data has revealed that, there was low degree negative correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Speed ability (r= - 0.215; p= <0.05%). And the agility ability was not correlated with Emotional Intelligence (r=0.095; p= >0.05%). This study indicated that these two variables had independent nature. And also, the researcher was divided the samples into two group on the basis of their ages were 18-23 and 23-28. In these group had significantly different status in agility fitness ability (f=4.22/p=0.04) than the Emotional Intelligence (f=0.06/p=0.81) and Speed fitness ability (f=3.77/ p= 0.06). The present study indicated that definite role of Emotional Intelligence and selected physical fitness ability of state level Netball players and it shows various extraneous variables might be influence direct or indirect over selected physical fitness and EI. Then this study recommended that, a study may be undertaken to probe the reason for negative relation between speed and EI, no relationship between Agility and EI and also a study maybe conducted to revile the relationship of EI to all the physical fitness abilities for Netball Game.

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