Problems of Open Defecation: A Case Study at Kandavarayanpatti Panchayat, Sivaganga District, Tamil Nadu

  • S Shajahan Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thiruppatur,Tamil Nadu, India
  • S Mariyarathinam Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thiruppatur, Tamil Nadu,India
Keywords: Swachh Bharat, Open Defecation, Sanitary Issues


Open defecation is the serious problem in India. It is a well known fact that, majority of the ruralpeople lack toilet faciliyty, hence they use open places for defecation. Ultimately, the surroundings of thevillages will be polluted.Besides, the people’s health would be severely affected. This article analyses theproblems of open defecation in Kandavarayanpatti Panchayat, Sivaganga district of Tamil Nadu State.The study has analysed the primary data collected from therespondents of this panchayat.Despite theCentral and State Government have been implementing various schemes for the best sanitary environment,still the country is lacking compare to the Western Countries.This study makes an in-depth analysis aboutthe majority ofrural people are not using toilet. Other factors related to open defecation, construction oftoilets, health and environmental aspects been covered in this study. The findings reveal the real factsabout the problems of open defecation in the study area.

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