Consumer Awareness and Preference on Private Label Brand

  • S Kokilavizhi Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (Finance), Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R Vanitha M.Phil. Research Scholar, Post Graduate and Research Department of Commerce, Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Private label brands, Preference, Awareness


The private label brands had seen a striking in recent days. Though, initially private label brands had a low-cost strategy, retailers have taken serious efforts quality improvements in recent years. The paper examines how retailer can manipulate the customers for private label brands by providing additional features in their product. The research method used the convenient sampling method. Under this study a survey is conducted with the customer’s in around the pollachi taluk for their awareness and preference on private label brand. Samples of 239 respondents were considered for the study. The study has been undertaken for one year [November 2016-November 2017]. The data collected through issuing questionnaire. The present study shows that consumer awareness and preference on private label brand.

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