A Study on Export Performance of Palmyrah Jeggery from India

  • K. Shajitha Ph.D Commerce, Full time Scholar, Fatima College, Madurai
  • T. Jeyanthi Vijayarani Associate Professor, Research Centre of Commerce, Fatima College, Madurai
Keywords: Palmyrah Jiggery, Exports from India, Export Market, Agro-Based Industries, Traditional Dishes


This analytical study aims to examine the attitudes of exporters towards Palmyrah jaggery exports in Tamil Nadu, India. The study utilized both primary and secondary data to analyze the factors affecting the export of Palmyrah jaggery. The findings revealed that the exporters faced several challenges in the export market, including insufficient production capacity, lack of government assistance, and limited information about the product in the market. Moreover, the study found that exporters were more important to Palmyrah jaggery products, and their attitudes towards exports influenced the product's export performance. The study suggests that providing training to exporters and financial assistance may help to upgrade the sound performance of Palmyrah jaggery exports.

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