A Study on Role of Stress in Performance among Teaching Faculty in Bengaluru City

  • S David Amirtha Rajan (Former Dean, CDC, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai), Head, PG Department of Commerce, TheAmerican College, Madurai
  • R Meenakshi Ph.D Research Scholar, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: Physical stress, psychological stress, behavioural stress, Professional stress


This article focuses on how teachers need to relate both stress and performance ineducational institution even though there is a negative relationship between stress and performance.The main framework of this article is about stress in general, causes and the consequences of stresswhich has direct impact on teacher’s performance at various dimensions. This article confines to keyfactors in stress in performance from teachers point of view in Bangalore city. Highly effective andacceptable statiscal tool had been used to obtain the results, as some of the teachers says thatstress is required to a certain point of level for good performance but when it goes beyond thebearable limit, the stress turns into a distress. At last, this article concludes that stress can behandled in good manner when things carried out meticulously.

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