A Study on Recent Issues of Agro-Based Industry in India

  • U Arumugam Assistant Professor, Department of Corporate Secretaryship, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India
  • M Manida Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2605-1645
Keywords: Food Crisis, Organic Industry, Forest Based Industry, Textile Industry, Engineering


Most people in India depend on agriculture. Agricultural production has played an important role in the country’s rural development and has been passed on to adoptive rural development. Most farms are located around food processing plants. They affect food security and people’s basic needs. This study aims to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of India’s agriculture-based industries. With so many countries suffering from malnutrition and imminent food crises, India’s agriculture-based companies may be able to trade in both domestic and foreign markets by addressing their own challenges. . Certainly, there are some problems ahead for such an industry. Still, it has some strength, such as abundant natural resources,
suitable geographic conditions and atmosphere, availability of raw materials, cheap labor supply, and distribution possibilities. However, these organizations have some weaknesses such as lack of infrastructure and poor product quality. Even if this care is preceded by threats such as global performance, additional costs of equipment, unorganized markets, etc., it can withstand anything. About to do his SWOT analysis of the industry.

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