Women Empowerment in India

  • P Ponraj M.Com., M.Phil., M.B.A., Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre, Sourashtra College, Madurai
  • K Gnanaguru M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Sourashtra College, Madurai
Keywords: Women, empowerment, education, confident, self respect


Women play a very good role in the development of economy and society. Woman is theleader, planner of the family, the trainer, supplier of labour power and playing important role inthe development of agriculture, industry and service sector. But status of women is so poor andincidence of poverty is more on woman only. Empowering women is the only solution for all theproblems. If woman is educated and empowered her potential power can be utilized for theeconomic development. Empowerment aspect visualizes the full participation of people in thedecision making process that shapes their lives. The goal of inclusive growth and humandevelopment cannot be achieved without the development and empowerment of women. This papercontains need, objectives, importance of women empowerment, role of women empowerment inIndia,Government schemes of women empowerment and conclusion.

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