Employability Skills Through Classroom

  • M Elavarasi MBA, Anna University, Madurai
  • M Brindha MBA, Anna University, Madurai


All of us know that we go to school to learn technical or work-related skills. To succeed at school and also for self development employability skills are also needed. Personal management, communication, teamwork and other similar skills are often referred to as employability skills, transferable or soft skills. Practising these skills at school will prepare you to use them at work. Employers often give high value to your employability skills, especially your ability to get along well with others. They often ask instructors and student advisors for references because they know your conduct in school can predict your success in the workplace. Your success at school depends on your course work and attendance, but it also depends on your conduct.From class room we can develop personal management skillslike interacting to instructors in a professional way, dressing properly, scheduling, avoiding inappropriate humour, etc. At school, you’ll have the opportunity to develop skills that will help you get along with people with diverse backgrounds and socialvalues—skills you’ll also need in the workplace. The classroom is a lot like the workplace-you’re expected to work effectively in the same place, with the same people, every day. Developing good personal management, teamwork and communication skills can make your time in the classroom more enjoyable. Moreover if developing employability skills are made part of the curriculum, students as well as teachers will realize its importance and will work on it. Here universities can play a better role by revising their syllabus and incorporating employability as part of core courses and also providing assistance and fund in this regard. There by we can develop productive rather employable graduates.

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