A Study On Customer Satisfaction on banking Services Rendered by Punjab National Bank in Sivagangai District

  • P Sathik Ali Auditor, Sathik Associates & Academy, Singampunari, Sivagangai District
Keywords: Organized Segment, Customer satisfaction, Retail Banking, Universal Banking


Indian Banking Industry is one of the largest industry in the world. There has been a great surge in efficient customer services. A highly satisfied and delighted customer is a very vita and also non-financial asset for the banks in the emerging IT era. The curtsey, accuracy and speed are like a crown factors for a bank. Satisfaction is a crucial concern for both customers and organinsations including banks. Satisfaction is a subjective concept and therefore difficult to determine. It depends on a myriad of factors and varies from person to person as well as product to product. Based on the responses of 100 customers of Punjab National Bank operating in the Sivagangai district of Tamilnadu has been taken into consideration. The survey was conducted in Sivagangai district.

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