Service Quality Expectations and Perceptions of Public And Private Sector Banks: A Comparative Study

  • M Abdul Rahuman Assistant Professor of Commerce Sadakathullah Appa College Tirunelveli
  • A Abdul Rahim Alagappa Government Arts college, Alagappa Puram, Karaikudi
Keywords: Service quality, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangibility


Quality in service is very important especially for the growth and development of service sector business enterprise. It works as an antecedent of customer's satisfaction .In the past, quality was measured only for the tangible products because of less dominance of service sector in the economy. Due to the increasing importance of service sector in the economy, the measurement of service quality became important, Because Indian banking industry has suddenly witnessed a major boom. Being a globalized market, the customers seek and demand world class products. In today’s global market, the competitive advantage lies in delivering high quality service to the customers. This paper is a survey of public and private sector bank customer response toward service quality of banking sector. The objective of this paper is to measure the customer’s awareness, and the level of satisfaction with regard to service quality of public and private sector banks in the city of Tirunelveli.

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