Comparative Study of Customer Satisfaction in Indian Public Sector and Private Sector Banks

  • M Abdul Rahuman Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Sadakathullah Appa College, Tirunelveli
  • A Abdul Rahim Assistant Professor of Commerce, Muslim Arts College, Thiruvithancode, Kanyakumari
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, ATM, Online Banking, Comparision


This paper is a survey of Public and Private sector bank customer’s responses toward computerization of banking services. The objective of this paper is to measure the customer's awarness, perception and the level of satisfaction with regard to Banking Services offered by the Indian Public and Private sector banks in the city of Tirunelveli. Banks have to deal with many customers and render various types of services to its customers and if the customers are not satisifed with the services peovided by the banks then they will defect which will impact economy as a whole since banking system plays an important role in the economy of a country, also it is very costly and difficult to recover a dissatisfied customer. The purpose of this study is to compare the public sector banks and private sector banks in terms of customer satisfaction and to study the various variables of services quality using Likert scale. This survey declares that in comparsion private sector bank reveals that public sector banks and preparing to take on private sector banks in this regard.

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