Stress at Workplace – An Opinion Survey

  • G Indumathi Ph. D., Research Scholar in Management and Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Engineering and Technology, Mathur, Trichy – 24
  • S Dhinesh Babu Research Supervisor Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Government Arts College, Paramakudi
Keywords: Correlation, Research, Stress, Weighted Average, Workplace


Stress at work is a relatively new phenomenon of modern lifestyles. The nature of work has gone through drastic changes over the last century and it is still changing at whirlwind speed. They have touched almost all professions, starting from an artist to a surgeon, or a commercial pilot to a sales executive. With change comes stress, inevitably. Professional stress or job stress poses a threat to physical health. Work related stress in the life of organized workers, consequently, affects the health of organizations. The workplace had become a high stress environment in many organizations cutting across industries. Employees were experiencing high level of stress due to various factors such as high workload, tight deadlines, high targets, type of work, lack of job satisfaction, long working hours, pressure to perform, etc. Interpersonal conflicts at the workplace, such as boss- subordinate relationships and relationships with peers, are also a source of stress.
Experts believed that the dysfunctional aspects of stress could directly impact an organization's performance and also affect the well-being of its employees. Stress at the workplace was linked to absenteeism, higher attrition, and decreased productivity. Stress led to fatigue, irritability, poor communication, and quality problems/errors.
High stress levels also affected the morale and motivation of the employees. Prolonged exposure to stress without effective coping mechanisms could lead to a host of physical and mental problems. Stress could lead to stress-induced gastrointestinal problems, irritable bowel syndrome, acidity, acid reflux, insomnia, depression, heart disease, etc. Moreover stress could push the victim toward high risk behavior such as smoking, drinking, and substance abuse. Stress-related illness led to increase in absenteeism and attrition affecting the profitability of the organizations. Organizations cutting across industries were gearing up to provide employees with a stress-free healthy environment. The efforts to address this issue were more pronounced in some industries than others. Experts felt that, though stress at the workplace is a global phenomenon, professionals in some industries were more susceptible to stress than others.
Even in India, organizations had woken up to this menace and are resorting to novel methods including teaching the employees dancing and music, trekking, etc, to reduce stress at the workplace.
This paper aims at describe the stress at workplace. 250 members of different organizations are contacted by direct approach method.

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