Emerging Trends in Online Retailing

  • V Baskaran Teaching Assistant, Department of Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University College, Madurai
Keywords: Online Retailing, Conventional Retail, Business -To-Business, Consumer To Consumer Sales, Future Of Online Retailing, Convenience Stores As Collection Points


Businesses with an interest in online retailing can go any one of several routes. Some businesses, such as Amazon and Netflix, dispense with the cost and staffing requirements of a brick-and-mortar store and exist only on the Internet. Other companies, such as Barnes & Noble, use their store and their website as two separate sales channels. In addition to conventional retail, online sales also include business-to-business transactions and consumer to consumer sales, such as eBay offers. The old thinking said that online retailing would spell the death of the high street, and the retail store. But increasingly the idea is gaining sway that stores are the future of online retailing. While it’s convenient to buy online, it’s not always convenient to collect or take delivery online. That’s set to change, however, as more retailers use local convenience stores as collection points. Hence, the present study focuses on Emerging trends in Online Retailing and the study based on secondary sources of data collection.

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