A Study on Tourism (With Special Reference to Palani)

  • M Thamaraikannan Research Supervisor, Associate Professor, Department Of Commerce, Sri Vasavi College, Erode
  • B Sasivathana Ph.D. Research Scholar, Guest Lecturer, A.P.A. College of Arts & Culture, Palani
Keywords: Tourism, Visitors, Pilgrimage


Tourism is the world’s largest and rapidly growing Global Industry. It widens our horizon promote understanding stimulate trade fasters fellow ship and equitable development of the country. The Earth with all its beauty is for the people to enjoy and explore new things. Travel for the purpose of pleasure is fascinations to mankind from the prehistoric time. Leisure with guest for pleasure and recreation is the force for the development of tourist travel. The increasing material wealth as a result of industrialization and the development of various modes of the transport facilities and organization of travel paid holidays and leave travel benefits are the basic motives for the development of tourism in recent years. The basic resources for the development of tourism are the various natural and cultural endowments. The diversified and the unique characteristic make each country and exciting and fascinating destination for tourist attraction. Positioning tourism as a major engine of economic growth and harnessing its direct and multiplier effects on employment and poverty eradication in a sustainable manner by active participation of all segments of the society is the main objective of the tourism policy of Government of India. Tourism sector is one of the largest employment generators in the Country and it plays a very significant role in promoting inclusive growth of the less-advantaged sections of the society and poverty reduction. Apart from marketing and promotion, the focus of tourism development plans is now on integrated development of tourism infrastructure and facilities through effective partnership with various stakeholders. The role of Government in tourism development has been re-defined from that of a regulator to that of a catalyst.

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