Economic Impact on Absenteeism of Firework Labourers with Special Reference to Virudhunagar District

  • L Ponnuchamy Ph.D Scholar, Rajapalayam Raju’s College, Rajapalayam
  • P Sundarapandian Principal, VHNSN College (Autonomus), Virudhunagar


Absence is the failure of a worker to report for work when he is scheduled to work.A worker is to be considered as scheduled to work when the employer has work available for him and the worker is aware of it.A worker is to be treated as absent for purpose of these absenteeism statistics even when he does not turn up for work after obtaining prior permission.Any worker who reports for duty even for a part of the day of shift should not be counted among absentees.

Absenteeism in industry disrupts processes, creates production bottlenecks, and upsets production targets, results in production losses, increase direct overhead costs, increases workload of the inexperienced, less experienced or substandard workers as substitutes, this in turn creating problems of recruitment, training, job adjustments. The various objectives are the social and demographic factorof the employee, The problem faced by employee and The employee opinion towards working condition.The researcher wishes to recommend the management to consider certain essential factors like savings, canteen, rest room, drinking water and implement them for their further growth and reduce absenteeism.

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