Analytical Study on Job Satisfaction of School Teachers in Tiruchiraparalli Town

  • A Natherusain Asst. Professor and Research Scholar, National College, Trichy


Teaching profession is purely based on mental work. This existence in this profession is mainly related with their job satisfaction. Job satisfaction of the School Teacher is an essential phenomenon in effectively discharging their job. But the job Satisfaction of the School teacher includes many factors which are internal and external to a job. Dealing with the students having from various places with different attitudes and behaviors is a complex problem to any teacher. Teachers may be peaceful, when they have satisfaction if their job. Dissatisfaction of the job makes them unrest. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study job satisfaction of the teachers as it is the determining efficiency of their performance. Few important factors are taken into the account in this study to measure job satisfaction of selected teachers. The study revealed that there is no significant difference in the level of satisfaction of male and female teachers. Furthermore, it was again revealed that there is no significant difference in the level of satisfaction of Govt. and Private school teachers.

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