Banking Sector Reforms (1999-2010)

  • A Jayasundar Lecturer in Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University College, Arupukottai


In line with the recommendations of the second Narasimham Committee, the Mid-Term Review of the Monetary and Credit Policy of October 1999 announced a gamut of measures to strengthen the banking system. Important measures on strengthening the health of banks included: (i) assigning of risk weight of 2.5 per cent to cover market risk in respect of  investments in securities outside the SLR by March 31, 2001 (over and above the existing 100 per cent risk weight) in addition to a similar prescription for Government and other approved securities by March 31, 2000, and (ii) lowering of the exposure ceiling in respect of an individual borrower from 25 per cent of the bank's capital fund to 20 per cent, effective April 1, 2000. This article analysis that how the banking sector reforms utilized in India for development of Indian economy

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