A Study on Factors Involved in Effectiveness of Employee Motivation in Public Sector Banks

  • R Menaka Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies (DDE), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • S Vengateswaran Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies (DDE), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Gratification Needs, Behavioural Elements, HR Tools, Performance Appraisal, Financial rewards and personal traits


Business strategy associated with rewards and motivation towards job satisfaction has resilient effect on success of the organization. The connections between rewards, motivation and job satisfaction of employees are strategically significant to the success of public organizations. Job satisfaction is closely related to the gratification of needs. It is composed of effective cognitive and behavioral elements. These elements vary in their intensity and consistency from one individual to another. Thus, job satisfaction is the satisfaction derived from any pursuit directed by the process of fulfillment of needs. According to Baron (1983), motivation is an accretion of diverse practices which effects and directs our behavior to accomplish certain particular goal. It is like a vigorous in the current environment that clearly produces and incorporates an optimistic influence on job.
Motivation relay on a certain intrinsic and extrinsic features that are collaborated with positive results in abundantly devoted employees. Banking sector is undergoing tremendous changes in the past few decades. The changes in the current Business Scenario demands more powerful HR tools for the success of the organization. Performance Appraisal is such a tool used in Human Resource Management to achieve a variety of its objectives. Motivation is a factor that exercises a powerful force on our activities and exertion. Hence, the present study focuses on Factors involved in effectiveness of Employee Motivation in Public Sector Banks and based on both primary and secondary sources of data collections.

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