A Perspective View of Cost and Returns Structure - Especially Break Even Analysis in Marketing of Milk

  • A Bose Assistant Professor, PG Department of Commerce Government Arts College, Melur, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R Suryaprakash Guest Lecturer, PG Department of Commerce Government Arts College, Melur, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Milk marketing, Break-even point, Cow and buffalo, Lactation, Inter-calving period, Milch animals


The agriculture sector is regarded as the backbone of the Indian Economy. Nearly 70 percent of the people live in villages and their main occupation is agriculture. Agriculture is closely linked with animal husbandry and plays an important complementary role. The role of animal husbandry in providing the main and subsidiary occupation or the main occupation to the rural population is well recognized. Animal husbandry has secured an important place in Indian agriculture leading to dairy development in India. This study also includes the break-even output for cow and buffalo during lactation and inter-calving periods.

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