An Economic Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Online Shopping in Madurai City

  • K.R Srinivasan Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Economics Sourashtra College (A), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • T.P Ramprasad Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre Sourashtra College (A), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Online shopping, Madurai, Consumer satisfaction


Now-a-days developing countries like India converting their traditional marketing strategy into modern electronic mode or online marketing us people in India also felt comfortable in online shopping, Madurai is a business city where can find lot of business emerging here and there. People in Madurai are considerably tradition in their virtues. This study has been taken to analyse the satisfaction level of the customer towards online shopping; objective of the study is to find satisfaction level and the factor influencing online shopping. Using simple random sampling method, data has been collected from 45 respondents from Madurai city. Data analysed with the help of SPSS software.

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