A Study on Problems of Exporting Basmati Rice at Panjab

  • P Kavitha Assistant Professor of PG and Research Department of Commerce Islamiah Women’s Arts and Science College (Affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore) Vaniyambadi, Tirupattur District, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Problems, Factors Influence the Demand of Basmati Rice


India clocking the highest ever agricultural exporter of over $50 billion in Financial Year 22, basmati rice, one of the country’s oldest anchors in farm exports, seems to have fallen off the radar screen. For the third consecutive year, basmati rice exports saw a fall over the previous year in value. In 2021-22, India exported basmati rice worth $3.53 billion, the lowest since 2019-20. The reason for decreasing exporting of basmati rice is analyzed in this study at Panjab. The demographic factors and various problems faced by the basmati rice cultivator are taken into the study. The decreasing price is one of the factor demotivate the cultivators in most of the states.

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