A Study on Quality of Work Life and Performance of Employee in Leather Industries at Vellore District and Tirupattur District

  • P Kavitha Assistant Professor of PG and Research Department of Commerce Islamiah Women’s Arts and Science College (Affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore) Vaniyambadi, Tirupattur District, Tamil Nadu, India
  • J Vaishnavi Assistant Professor of PG and Research Department of Commerce Islamiah Women’s Arts and Science College (Affiliated to Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore), Vaniyambadi
Keywords: Work Life, Performance of Employees, Level of Quality of Work life


The study on the quality of work life and performance of the employees are very important to know the relationship between quality of work life and performance of the employee of leather industries. The poor quality of work life is ultimately affect the performance of the employees in any concern. Quality of work life is very important for individuals, for growth of industries and employment and also for the sustainable development of economy. Therefore, organizations must create a working life which enable the employees that ensure the sustainability in the in industries development in turn which leads and creates more and better jobs. Everybody must also have the possibility to remain in work for a longer time than today. Working conditions must permit this, and this involves paying attention on learning, equality and influence. The improper work life balance will affect the performance of the employees and it leads lack of motivation and job dissatisfaction for the employee. The studying quality of work life and performance of employee is very important to know the relationship between many demographic variable, quality of work life and performance of the employees. The good quality of work life will lead the good performance which support the overall development of the industries.

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