A Study on Effects of Job Stress of Employees in Indian Overseas Bank, Villupuram District

  • M Vetrivel Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Vels University (VISTAS), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Indian Overseas Bank, Banking Sector, Employee, Borrows


This article “A study on effects of job stress of employees in Indian Overseas Bank, Villupuram District” focused mainly on employee’s welfare and their main objective is to bring out the mental burden of employees during their work and all my following objectives are given from the original study area. To study the profile of Indian Overseas Bank in Villupuram branch. To analyze the staff stress in Indian Overseas bank in study area. To find out the finding related suggestions and conclusion. Sampling Technique The study was mainly carried out by empirical investigation through the collection of primary data from the employee at Indian overseas bank, Villupuram. There were only 50 employees at Indian overseas bank, Villupuram. Hence, the entire populations were selected as the samples for the study. A limitation of the Study The present study has a few limitations. The following are some of them. Since the study is confined to bank managers and bank staff members onlyit may not apply to other types bank staff members and managers. The findings of the study are based only on the views of the bank managers, other Staff in IOB bank in Villupuram branch at the particular period of study. The findings may not hold good forever. The questions involving the family set up and other personal details, which may have an impact on the stress level of individuals, were omitted in order to limit the size of the study.

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