A Study on the Impact of Affiliated Business in Indian Economy

  • S. Padmakumar Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R. Menaka Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies (DDE), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Promotional Marketing, E-Commerce, Perspective of Consumers, Online Business, Uniform Resource Locator ( URL ), Promotional Strategy, Affiliate Network


Web marketing or web based marketing is a kind of marketing that uses Internet to convey special marketing message to planned customers. It incorporates email marketing, web-based media marketing, Search motor marketing, show promoting just as versatile publicizing. It comprises of various gatherings: distributer, sponsor, publicizing offices, promotion worker and promoting affiliate. Distributer incorporates advertisement into the online world and sponsor is the one that gives advertisement that be shown on distributer's substance. Advertisement office creates and places the promotion duplicate. Advertisement worker conveys the promotion and track measurements. Affiliate marketing is a type of online business in which an outsider for example the affiliate is granted for each guest it furnishes with the assistance of hyperlinks on the site. It is fundamentally the same as paying a locater's charge for the presentation of new customer or various customers to a business. There are different manners by which an affiliate can be redressed. They are CPC or Cost per snap, CPL or Cost per Lead, CPM or cost per thousand, CPO or Cost per request. CPC or cost per click is the cost paid by the sponsor per advertisement click. CPL or cost per lead is the expense paid by the sponsor per substantial lead given by the distributer. CPM or cost per thousand is the cost paid by the publicist per thousand advertisement impressions. CPA or Cost per affiliation or Cost per request or cost per buy is the cost paid by the publicist per orders. It is utilized to make correlation across promoting media and vehicles and can likewise be utilized to quantify the productivity of an association's Internet marketing. Affiliate marketing is a type of online business in which a third part for example the affiliate is granted for each guest it furnishes with the assistance of hyperlinks on the site. Hence, the present study has been done with a view to point out the impacts of affiliated business on Indian Economy and it is descriptive nature.

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