Social Media Marketing in Tourism: For Infinite Business Boom

  • P. Kannadas Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • S. Praveenkumar Part Time Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: Marketing, Internet Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Social Media Marketing


Tourism is that the world's largest civilian business whose growth, economic significance, and potential area unit extraordinary across the globe. Virtual tourism is speedily changing into a growing topic of analysis and its importance a future mode of getting info and buy of tourism product and services is growing day by day. It is an evidence that e-business is a necessary condition for reputed organizations within the rising, globally
networked, internet-empowered business setting, particularly for the tourism business. Worldwide there is an associate in the field of nursing about the exaggerate use of the net by each demand and provide sector in tourism has been delivered to the limelight during this paper. The Significance of net selling in tourism is an beneficiary view to the vendors, and the clients also are targeted here.

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How to Cite
Kannadas, P., & Praveenkumar, S. (2013). Social Media Marketing in Tourism: For Infinite Business Boom. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 1(2), 77-83. Retrieved from