Positioning the Mantra for the Success

  • Dwarakanath Siriguppi Assistant Professor-Marketing IBS, Dontanapally, Hyderabad, Telngana State, India
Keywords: Brand positioning, Brand personality, Brand loyalty, Consumers’ perception, marketing tool


The entire business activity is based on product positioning. In order to build a brand effectively it is inevitable to choose the right positioning strategy. Brand positioning is the unbeatable mantra formarketers to win the battle against the competitors. The success of a brand heavily relies on well-defined positioning. Brand positioning has become a tool of marketing. The positioning offers various advantages to the firms mainly in meeting the competition effectively, it offers rich dividend of brand loyalty and promises growth. The factors like quality, product attributes, benefits, price, value, usage, competition are the bases for brand positioning. The firms must take up a research work to know the needs of customers, product category, target segments, perceptions brand personality before they finalise the positioning strategies. The marketers must design an innovative marketing communication strategy to persuade consumers to purchase the brand. The positioning strategy should match with the consumers’ perception. The firms must adopt most suitable positioning strategies in order to occupy a stronger position in the consumers’ mind to be a head in the highly competitive environment.This paper consists of successful positioning strategies adopted by Vodafone, Old spice and Cadbury.

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How to Cite
Siriguppi, D. (2018). Positioning the Mantra for the Success. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 5(4), 147-152. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/1687