A Study on Factors Influencing Online Shopping in Madurai City

  • V Anand Department In-Charge, Department of Commerce, Madurai Kamaraj University Constituent College of Arts and Science, Aruppukottai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Online shopping, consumer attitude, perception of consumer, after-sales service, purchase behaviour


Online shopping has increased in these recent decades, the development of internet technology is more and more rapid and mature; online shopping which help to save the time apart from that some monetary benefits like discounts and offer announced by online seller. In this study, perceptions of the online shopping have among the 90 sample respondent in Madurai city. Out of that survey majority of respondent opinion were given to prefer for online purchase, information offered by website, free offer or discount, low price rate, convenient these are mostly influenced. However, only income and occupation were found to significantly influence consumers’ attitude to adopt online shopping. The findings help us in understanding consumers’ online purchase behaviour.

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How to Cite
Anand, V. (2018). A Study on Factors Influencing Online Shopping in Madurai City. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 5(3), 30-36. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/1711