Factors for Entrepreneurial Start-Up among Women in Tamil Nadu

  • S Gnanasaranya Post Doctoral Fellow & (ICSSR, New Delhi), Department of Economics, Gandhi Gram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu, India


Role of small business is stimulating and encouraging the economic activities such as job creation, poverty alleviation and the general upliftment of living standards of the country. Planning, starting, managing and developing of small business has been given importancetobothat inter and intra national levels and as a result, giving sustainable solutions for unemployment and poverty. In the recent years, gender differences are slowly disappearing in different fields and taking up the small business viaentrepreneurship is not an exception. More so, small business is viable for women and moving towards the improvement of women status.Hence women entrepreneurship has been forced us to redefine womanhoodduring 21st Century. But, at the same time, women have to face host of hurdles and problems, while starting and conceiving the idea of small business. However, the factors such as family background, the entrepreneurial experience coupled with right decision making skills, economic independence due to economic and social empowerment, achievement motivation, earning income, employment opportunities, availability of labour and raw materials, market potential and community networking via Self Help Groups have influenced the women entrepreneurs to start their own business. Since this paperexamined those factors which influenced the women to start their own business and thus enable them to enjoy the status of “Women Entrepreneurs”.

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