A Study on Service Quality in Life Insurance Business in Rural Areas

  • M Sivakumar Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R. Menka Department of Management Studies (DDE), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Rustic Environment, Customer Satisfaction, Potential Growth, Service Quality, Marketing Strategy, Rural Life Insurance Markets


Life insurance players have begun understanding that their business relies upon client service and consumer loyalty. Disregarding mindfulness about insurance in India, rural India actually needs terms of accessibility of different monetary items particularly the danger items like insurance. Rural insurance measurements actually demonstrate an essentially low infiltration and helpless thickness even after the privatization of insurance area in 1999. Rural India offers a tremendous scope for insurers where the security of human life and pay producing resources involves concern. Controllers have additionally attempted to force rural insurance commitments for the insurance organizations. There is a solid development potential in the India's Life Insurance Industry. The yearly development of the business is assessed at 12 to 15 percent for the impending years. Life Insurance Company should think of new system to be serious on the lookout and in which consumer loyalty ought to be the main goal. To accomplish similar organizations, need to comprehend different dimension of consumer loyalty. Through different examinations it has been demonstrated that service quality is the dimension toward consumer loyalty. Every one of the organizations in life Insurance business ought to comprehend that their business relies upon the consumer loyalty and client service and in this manner to improve client service quality is vital. India's semi-metropolitan and rural economy has on numerous occasions been perceived to fuel the monetary and financial development in India. It bolsters almost 75% of the populace and contributes somewhat less than half of its GDP. 40% of rural yield is gotten from agribusiness, making it a critical piece of our nation's economy. Hence, the present study has been done to give an overview on service quality in life insurance business in rural areas in India.

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How to Cite
Sivakumar, M., & Menka, R. (2017). A Study on Service Quality in Life Insurance Business in Rural Areas. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 5(2), 233-243. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/1735